That applicant got to know this via various negative signals from within his professional group, as well as from elsewhere;

Seeing that this is not only an violation of penal provisions, but also constitutes a flagrant violation of the general principle of carefulness and the protection of the privacy of applicant;

That the damage that applicant has already suffered as a result of the previous acts and activities of mrs SPAINK, has only been increased;

That applicant therefore demands compensation for the material and moral damages that he has suffered and will suffer due to the errors and neglicence of plaintiff;

That the compensation is estimated at:
- material damage: 1 BEF provisional
- moral damage: 100.000 BEF provisional

That moreover it seems appropriate to order plaintiff to remove the doubtful internetsite and to prohibit him from further publication or pulishing of court files or of libellous comments via whichever means of communication;

Seeing that the suit is susceptible to handling it on the introductory session, at least in as far as the stopping of the information stream and the libellous practices such as described above;

Seeing that all attempts to reach a friendly settlement have been to no avail;

For those reasons, I, the undersigned, Jan DE BELDER,
bailiff stationed in Antwerp,
having my offices at 2018 Antwerpen 1, Justitiestraat 20,
