In the year 1900 ninety-nine, on the twenty-ninth of October.


Mr Koen CLONEN, Gendarme, for the purposes of this case having chosen domicile at the offices of his counsel lawyer Katrien CRAUWELS, barrister at the Antwerp Court, with offices in 2018 Antwerp, Mechelsesteenweg 210/A; (ref.: 98.377)

Seen that the defendant was a witness to a control, carried out on 29.08.1998 by the Gendarmerie, in the person of the plaintiff among others;

That she and her company, Mr PANOUSSIS Zenon, observed and criticised heavily the behaviour of the gendarmes;

That due to those utterings and the behaviour of the defendant and her company it was decided to search Mr PANOUSSIS;

That both the defendant and PANOUSSIS on the occasion of this search behaved very arrogantly and the latter refused every co-operation to its proper accomplishment;

That due to these facts a report against PANOUSSIS was made on 30.08.98;

That, notwithstanding the lawfulness of this control, SPAINK verbally threatened the participating gendarmes, among them plaintiff, to attack them through the media;

Seen that on September 3rd the defendant indeed let appear an article in the pess [sic] in the newspaper 'De Morgen' in which she gave her account of the facts and in which the plaintiff was slightingly referred to as "Groin Grabber" [in Dutch: "Klotenknijper"];
